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November Outlook

In the middle of October we completed another major milestone - our largest concrete pour of the project. It took roughly 14 hours to pour over 2800 cubic yards of concrete for the building foundation.

Moving on up! We have started to pour vertical columns and walls for the basement levels. We will start to form Level 1 and 2 in the near future and you will finally be able to see something from the street level!

The picture to the right is showing the shearwall being poured.

The building's shearwall is a vertical element that is designed to resist in-plane lateral forces, taking on the wind and seismic loads.

The shearwall at Level B2 can be seen below, this wall will continue up the whole building.

Over the next several months you will see a regular cycle of trucks driving on and off site as rebar and concrete are put in place. and bringing all this material on site SAFELY!

Meet a team member! Felipe is our Lead Foreman on-site. He has been with Webcor for 13 years and worked on approximately 5 projects. Feel free to say hi the next time you see him!

Cal Bear's football season is underway, and we will be coordinating work on days they do not have home games. Go Bears!


The purpose of this blog is to provide the surrounding community with monthly updates regarding construction progress, and what can be expected in the month ahead. If you have questions, feel free to comment below, or email me directly, and I will do my best to address any questions or concerns in the next monthly update.


Katie Chisholm


Senior Project Manager

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