March 2022 marked our first milestone event!
We completed the abatement of the previous building and began demolition.

At Webcor, we aim to promote sustainability in our construction practices.
On this site, we salvaged and preserved materials from the previous building such as stained glass.

Over the next month, we will be continuing excavation for the two underground parking levels.
We are expecting to remove multiple truck loads of dirt everyday.

By the end of summer our excavation will be nearly completed.
Afterwards, we will erect the tower crane and start construction for the foundation of our new 12-story, mixed-use residential building!
The purpose of this blog is to provide the neighborhood community and its residents with monthly updates about current construction projects and what can be expected in the month ahead.
If you have any questions, feel free to comment below or email us directly. We will do our best to answer any questions or concerns in the next month's update!
Katie Chisholm
Senior Project Manager